Some say Franko is a cryptocurrency, others say Franko is the future.
Non nobis solum, sed omnibus!
Some say Franko is a cryptocurrency, others say Franko is the future.
Non nobis solum, sed omnibus!
Franko is a peer-to-peer payment network built with blockchain technology. The blockchain is a synchronised public ledger that monitors ownership of FRK's (frankos). FRK (franko) is the financial instrument used on the Franko payment network. FRK's can be instantly sent to anyone in the world as simply as sending an email and at little to no cost. New FRK's are generated at a predictable rate of 0.25FRK/30 seconds (720 FRK per day) as an incentive to volunteers who secure the network against double spending. You can buy and sell FRK at cryptocurrency exchanges like bittrex, exchange FRK for goods and services at accepting retailers or invest in FRK as a store of wealth like gold and silver.
The Franko blockchain is a synchronized public ledger that is stored on a global network of computers. Blockchains are systems of accounting--that is, of keeping track of things and in this case FRK's. They represent a new and superior way of recording and memorializing transactions or of registering data publicly. There are three primary factors that distinguish the blockchain ledger from an "ordinary" accounting ledger or registration tool:
Thus, blockchain technologies represent the world's first, and perhaps only, solution to the Byzantine Generals Problem ("BGP"). Because this age-old problem of computer science has now been solved, it is possible for the first time in human history to maintain a ledger or register that is both open to the general public and provably secure.
Individual FRK's or fractions thereof are both the technological means by which this distributed ledger is secured and the unit of account used to track entries on the ledger. To make an entry into the ledger, one must possess, or rather control via a private cryptographic key, at least the smallest available fraction of a share, and very importantly, one must transfer said share (or fraction thereof) to another account as part of making the entry in the ledger or register. Said another way, every single entry in the corporate ledger requires the transfer of share from one account (called an "address") on the ledger to another address on the ledger.
This requirement that every entry in the Franko blockchain ledger involve the transfer of shares from one address to another is an integral part of the solution to the Byzantine Generals Problem. Without this requirement, the ledger would be insecure and would quickly fill with spam. Furthermore, for a variety reasons, it would no longer be possible to keep all distributed copies of the ledger in sync or to incentivize unrelated parties for administering and maintaining the ledger on their computers.
A Proof of task is a quantified unit of certainty that an important task or job or work has been successfully completed on behalf of the Franko payment network. Proofs of task can solve a multitude of problems ranging from the Byzantine Generals Problem, paying stake to shareholders, and securing the Franko payment network network against internet outages. Some more exotic forms of work include but are not limited to finding large prime numbers, making data fault tolerant, distributing name servers and creating safe contracts. Proofs of task (hereafter proofs with a lowercase "p") are the way the Franko payment network distributes FRK's.
The key difference between a proof of task vs. a service is, a proof of task creates new FRK's and a service uses shares already in circulation as a means of payment. For example, the federal reserve is a centralized entity that creates and issues new shares of the us dollar, while McDonald's is a service who pays its employees with dollars for serving hamburgers. A service will require a stockpile of already issued shares in order to function while a proof system increases the total supply of shares in circulation. Proofs give users the ability to create services. Services increase the value of the shares the proof systems create. The corporation should continue to grow by increasing the number of ways one can earn FRK's by performing valuable tasks. As the corporation adds more proof systems it becomes less dependent on a single task for survival.
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All the latest updates about Franko.
Articles written by the press and others about Franko.
A white paper written by Christopher Franko the lead developer of Franko.
Click to see a list of all the exchanges trading FRK
You can buy sell trade FRK at any of these official exchanges
Work for Franko and earn shares!
Earn FRK by working for Franko
Mining is the process of spending computing power to process transactions, secure the network, and keep everyone in the system synchronized together. This process is referred to as "mining" as an analogy to gold mining because it is also a temporary mechanism used to issue new shares of Franko. Unlike gold mining, however, Franko mining provides a reward in exchange for useful services required to operate the corporation. Mining will still be required after the last share of franko is issued.
Give a list of places to work for people who already have FRK
Buy goods and services with FRK.
User your FRK to buy and sell goods and services.